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Advisor Training Brightspace

The Advising Departments created their own training programs within the university and had not mapped out a formalized training program. 90% of the training was hands-on which created a large amount of information new advisors had to absorb, along with the multitude of information sources, systems and protocols. This caused frustration because of outdated information, consistently having to stop other advisors to ask questions should they forget something once they had been through the training and an increased error rate. 

DSB Advisor Training Homepage.png

Project Specifics

The Solution

Through collaboration with new and seasoned advisors - a survey was conducted on the types of information a new advisor would need access to. Once we categorized the types of information - a brightspace advisor training module was developed to serve not only as a training program, but also as a resource throughout their career. Information was categorized into ten topic sections, learning outcomes were established, quizzes developed, videos and interactive material created to help increase retention. The resource module is updated whenever information or systems change, new material is continuously updated and case based video analysis is in development. 

This is a video overview of an advisor onboarding Brightspace module and a developmental version of an Adobe Captivate module that will work in tandem with Brightspace.

Brightspace Contents

Information was categorized into 13 topic modules, containing  between 2-24 pages within the topic modules. 

Stairs Blooms Taxonomy.png
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